By Santo Spirito- first strange night.

Leanin' on it.

Campo dei Miracoli

Little church on the (Pisan) Arno, Santa Maria della Spina.

Baby Jesus in Santa Maria Novella.

S.M.N. Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica (above and below)

Delicious panna, thanks Bob.

Birds all over Rome. Some man told us that Hitchcock's Birds didn't win the Oscar because there were no shadows on the ground.

On the Tevere.

Il Vittoriano/ urinal/ wedding cake.

Imperial Rome

Up the stairs to the Duomo's cupola.

Hell: ''Good thing it doesn't exist, I only know a handful of people who wouldn't go there.''

The top...

Favorite part of the Uffizzi- Titian's Venus of Urbino.

Thanksgiving! Minus the torta di zucca.

Ciao, bella :(
1 comment:
Dio mio! these photos are awesome. You must be inspired!!!
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